Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda is an American actress. She is the recipient of various awards including two Academy Awards, two BAFTA Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards... But there are more important awards than these. Jane Fonda has dedicated most of her life to social, political, and environmental activism. She describes herself as a feminist and a social-political activist.

There is not enough space on Instagram to mention Jane Fonda's activist moments. Let us begin briefly with late 2019; Jane Fonda arrested five times when she was 81 years old and even spent a night in jail for protesting climate change with her "Fire Drill Fridays Protests."

Fonda has always been a visible activist. She never afraid of claiming what she thinks. She has been against the Vietnam War, and because of that, she was blacklisted in Hollywood. She has also protested the Iraq War and violence against women all over the world.

She co-founded the Women's Media Center in 2005 along with Gloria Steinem, the organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy. She also loves animals passionately and advocates for animal rights. To learn more on Jane Fonda as an activist, you can watch Jane Fonda in Five Act on digital platforms
We Woof You Jane. You're An Inspiration!