A Letter from our CEO and Founder - PET LOVE in times of Corona Virus Pandemic

Dear Pet Lover,

Millions of people are now spending more time with their loved ones than ever before, most in either lockdowns or self-quarantine. It’s a difficult time where many have both a sense of fear as well as anxiety, that is natural when there is such extreme uncertainty around us. We have never had such uncertainty in our lives. Our lives are different, radically different. 

But one thing has not changed. It is the reality of the unconditional love of our pets. If sometimes we took it for granted before, and it’s true that many people did, in the stress and complexity of past everyday life, now it is more apparent to all of us than ever before as we sit in isolation.

Whether it is the story of the Golden Retriever, with 3 puppies in a New York apartment spreading love among Mom, Dad and their daughter or the Shih Tzu in Tokyo bringing joy to an autistic child of a young couple, pets today are playing a critical role in the age of Corona. They are providing hope when there could only be despair for many.

We have lived in a world where many of us were constantly looking for meaning in our lives. For some this meaning was found through expensive watches or cars or material things, for others through trips around the world, for others through work. The reality is that this virus has brought home an important realization, meaning is within us. It is within us and our loved ones.

As we speak to Pet Lovers around the world, we can sense that many things will change as we slowly come out of isolation. There are activities that we will treasure more and look at differently, than we have in the past.

That walk in the park with our loving pet or even just to go down the street at the end of the day. The walk that for many in the house became a chore and now we seek out as the “best time of the day”.

That time when the your pet wanted to play with the ball, and everyone was tired from work or school and looked the other way. Now the whole family is celebrating the occasion and it becomes a “team” activity.

Your pet waking you up in the morning wanting to eat, which you might have in the past looked the other way, now more than one of you jumps out of bed to feed the “baby”.

We could go on and on because its true while so many pet owners in the past just made time for their pets, today more than ever we are all celebrating them. We celebrate their unconditional love.

As we continue under these conditions of extreme uncertainty, pets give us hope, they give us love, but more importantly they remind us that this situation will end someday and when it does, our lives will be richer because of them.

 Let’s use this opportunity to celebrate more the love of your pet!

At Moshiqa, that is our mission everyday.

With Love,

Meryem Birsoz

CEO, Moshiqa Inc




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