Happy World Wildlife Day!

World Wildlife Day gives us a huge opportunity to celebrate our existence on earth. 



Together we can support and protect all the animals and plants that live in the wild to ensure their purpose for ecological balance.



This year, 2020, is known as the Super Biodiversity Year and this year’s Wildlife Day theme is Sustaining All Life On Earth. 2020 will host major global events that place biodiversity at the forefront. It provides a unique opportunity to deliver transformative progress for the conservation and sustainable use of the species of wild animals and plants. There are a lot of events for creating awareness for this year’s theme.



For instance; United Nations Wildlife Day website has a worldwide event map that you can find events for your country. Here is the event map link; https://www.wildlifeday.org/. You can support the cause to protect the wildlife and earth by joining events, or by creating your own event to reach more people.



We as Moshiqa support the conservation and preservation of wild life and will keep fighting for a better world, spreading love paw by paw.

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